Advice From Affordable African Hair Braiding Experts


Like many people, you probably have numerous friends who have had their hair braided and are now sporting beautiful and elegant braids. You might also have come across a lot of salons that advertise affordable African hair braiding services. All of these might have convinced you to transform your natural hair into braids, but remember that the process isn’t so easy. To have the lovely braids that you want, you need to take several important steps. One of these is to avoid mistakes that can lead to less-than-stellar braids and even hair and scalp damage.

Not sure what these mistakes are? Don’t worry since we’ve listed some of the below:

Choosing the Cheapest Salon You Can Find

If a salon seems too good to be true, they probably are. For one thing, they might employ inexperienced people who won’t be able to meet your expectations. They might also use low-quality tools, materials, and equipment that can do more harm than good to your hair. So, to avoid wasting your time and money, you should do your research and find a hair studio that offers high-quality braiding services at fair and reasonable costs.

Not Prepping Your Hair Properly

When you get braids, your hair will be in place for several weeks, which means that you won’t be able to give it the same amount of treatment that you could give to loose hair. Because of this, you need to make sure that your hair is 100 percent ready before you visit the beauty salon for your braiding appointment. Wash your hair with a gentle clarifying shampoo to remove dirt and product build-up your scalp, then use quality conditioners to hydrate and moisturize your hair. Don’t forget to brush and detangle your tresses!

Keeping Your Braids for Too Long

Experts agree that braids can be left in for up to six to eight weeks. But remember that this is only a rule of thumb; it’s still important to what your body says! If your scalp feels heavy after a few weeks, or if you feel a slight pain on your edges, it’s probably the right time to take out your braids.


Have a successful braiding experience by avoiding these mistakes! If you’re still looking for a braiding specialist, reach out to KABA African Hair Braiding and take advantage of our affordable African hair braiding solutions in New York, NY. Contact us today at (347) 862-8280!

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